Heartworm is a serious disease that is transmitted from animal to animal by mosquitos. Heartworm is a slow progressive disease that affects the lungs & heart, which can often lead to sudden death.
Heartworm is mainly found in warm costal areas with high mosquito populations. However there have been recent positive cases confirmed in the Central West of NSW indicating it is moving inland too.
Prevention is always better than a cure so we are running a Puppy Proheart campaign this spring thanks to Zoetis.
For the months of September October & November we will be offering a FREE Proheart injection to any puppies starting on Heartworm prevention.
Your puppy must be under 12 month of age & have not had any previous heartworm injections.
If your puppy is between the ages of 6 and 12 months they may require to have a heartworm test done first if they have not been on monthly preventatives.
Appointments can be made by phoning us on 9999 2269 or booking via our website